Deteriorating window casing or frame might be a sign of moisture intrusion.Getting a good look at the attic is important in revealing any roofing issues including improper flashing, leaking vents/ chimneys, and poor construction practices.Something you might not be able to see from the ground could really be bad news.Properly placed air gaps in the plumbing system are necessary for ideal drainage. This setup is lacking the air gaps.
Corrosion on piping and shut off valves can lead to leaks.The HVAC system is meant to be more efficient than this.Cracked chimney chase and cap can lead to moisture and pest intrusion.Missing mortar and grout in brick can lead to water and pest intrusion.Always remember to check that your furnace condensation drain tube is clear and terminating in a floor or, (with the help of a pump), a sink drain. Tubes that are clogged will create a back-up of the condensation (water) and spill back into your furnace housing. Water on metal equals rust. If you see water pooling or rust forming inside of your furnace, you may have a tube that is not flowing properly.